In August I ordered some dining room chairs. I waited for a year to get them.. they finally went on sale, so I decided I should go ahead. I debated the whole weekend and decided on Sunday night to order. Well, apparently by Sunday night they were "out" of the chairs -so my order could not be placed. I called and was told that because of where I lived, they wouldn't sell me the chairs.. but if I lived on the west coast I could have them. I complained.
The next day, I was told I could order the chairs.
So I did.
When they arrived... however, I only got three. :( But I liked them...

After many calls (it's November when I am writing this).. I found out ..kind of.. that the delivery company damaged the 4th chair. They had placed another order for the chair.. but for the first 2 months it was under the wrong catalog number. When they did finally correct it - the stopped making the chairs. So, they offered to replace my 3 chairs with ones that were twice as expensive. Unfortunately, they are different, not exactly what I wanted, but at least there are 4? They also gave me a $200 gift certificate as well.
So the new ones were delivered today... :)
Please excuse the elmoboon (elmo balloon)

And it's finally over...