Mommy and I went to the pumpkin patch again this year. She asked me to pick a pumpkin. I tried, but this one was too heavy!

So I took mommy's wagon and backpack and began my search for another one!

Ahh, here's one that's my size. Perfect!

Wait! There's another one here that I can get!

Hmm, I should look for some more.. I think...

Look ma! Here's another pumpkin!

THREE pumpkins!

[fast foward] FIVE pumpkins!

Ok. I think we have enough now mom.. Now, how amd I going to fit in this wagon?

Ok.. I need to move some stuff around here..

Ok! Done. Let' go Mom

I also got to feed some animals! I squealed when they lick my hand!

And I wasn't too happy when they ate the cone.. I thought that was mine!